3 Fantastic Exercises for People With Type 2 Diabetes
Stay Active During National Hobby Month
Swimming and Water Walking a Good Choice for Arthritis Pain
Lower Back Pain Helped By Physical Therapy and Exercise
Stay Healthy With Aquatic Exercises
Staying healthy can mean a million things to someone, it could be vigorous exercise and dieting or it could be the daily, morning walk to get the day started. Being healthy doesn’t always have to mean going to the gym or dieting. Finding a hobby that is as healthy as it is fun can be a great way to stay healthy and active. Some people choose sports, but for those with disabilities or injury, something like swimming can be safer and just as beneficial.
Staying Active While Injured
Summer’s finally here and that means parks, pools, vacations, and general exercise. However, for a lot of us it also means sitting at home and resting because of an injury. It’s not always easy to get up and going, especially in the summer heat but it’s certainly possible! Physical therapy can come in many forms, and we’re here to share a few tricks to aid you in a speedy recovery.