Posture Up
Posted by Tanika to
General Health
"Don't slouch!", "Sit up!", "Stand up straight!" Do these commands sound familiar to you? Most of us received this instruction daily from our parents, grandparents, teachers, etc. Although at the time these instructions may have annoyed us, the instructors meant well. Good posture is important for overall good health and is especially critical for preventing neck, shoulder, and back issues.
Great Travel Ideas for Active Seniors!
Posted by TWS to
Active Lifestyles
Try these travel ideas for active seniors.
More Exercise Benefits for Active Seniors!
Posted by TWS to
Active Lifestyles
Exercise regularly has huge impacts on the older person's overall health.
Have You Tried Poling? Poling as exercise for Parkinson’s Disease
Posted by Amy Wright to
Active Lifestyles
Several months ago, I was approached by Urban Poling to see if I would like to try their poles. I had tried two different types of poles before. One I did not like at all. The other one worked well for me, but I really only used them when we were traveling. They were a big help when touring in cities with uneven cobblestone streets, climbing hills and keeping me from tripping over my own feet. I had never considered using them for Poling, or Nordic Walking as it is more commonly known.
Want Physical Therapy to Help Your Arthritis? Here’s How
Posted by TWS to
Upper Body Fitness
Want Physical Therapy to Help Your Arthritis? Here’s How
Dancing Is Best Activity for Active Seniors: Study
Posted by TWS to
Active Lifestyles
Dancing is one of the best activities for active seniors.