National Physical Fitness and Sports Month is here! The President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition observes this month by promoting greater awareness of the need for exercise and activity. We encourage you to challenge yourself to step up your game this month by increasing your exercise regimen.
The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends moderate aerobic activity for about two hours and 30 minutes each week. Muscle strengthening activities, like lifting weights or using exercise bands are recommended at least two days a week.
Why not set a goal for yourself this month to increase your exercise if only for a 30-day period by doing just 10 more minutes a day of exercise? That’s the total amount of time it would take to do some simple reps with one of our exercise bands.
We offer quite a selection of exercise bands. So let’s break it down to see which length, form and resistance level is right for you.
we sell the CanDo Low Powder Exercise Band Pack. This pack has three four-foot bands of differing resistance levels. Tie off the bands to whatever length you want and practice a variety of workouts, as illustrated in this brochure.
Adding just a couple of hours of resistance training to your week can be easily accomplished using these high quality bands.